on Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Lender’s Corner
Doug McCabe, Vice President & Agribusiness Lender, Cresco
To schedule an appointment with Doug call (800) 397-9964.
Years at CUSB: 6
Years in Banking: Over 25 (18 as an ag lender)
When you’re not working at CUSB, what do you enjoy doing? I enjoy farming with my Dad. I am actively engaged in crop farming and also have a small cow/calf herd.
What question are you asked often by customers?
Q: When applying for a loan, why do ag lenders ask for updated and detailed financial statements and other information?
A: Ag lenders want to make sure the loan is structured correctly to best meet the needs of the borrower. Our goal at CUSB is to provide loan options that fit your operation. The more we know, the more we can customize. Everyone’s farming operation is unique and we want to ensure we are doing what’s best for all involved.
Here are some photos of Doug's crops and the McCabe Family Farm
