on Wednesday, August 9, 2023
WANTED: All Cowboys and Cowgirls, of all ages!

As a family-owned bank, CUSB Bank is proud to offer free activities for the whole family. From 12-4 p.m. in the drive up area and lower parking lot, we have several kid’s activities planned.
Face Painting by Amy will be here to paint your children’s faces. She offers a variety of design options and your kids will love what she comes up with. Balloon animals will also be created, giving kids the option to select an animal or other balloon object.
We have some cowboy games to play: Rope A Pony, Gold Rush, and Knock Em Down. Cowboy hats, temporary cowboy tattoos, and coin purses will also be given away (while supplies last). A fun photo booth will be set up to grab a family photo, and there will be some fun bouncy houses available.
We’re most excited about the mobile petting zoo coming our way! Animals that will be present to pet include: mini horse, mini donkey, sheep, goats, rabbits, chicks, potbellied pigs, and alpaca. A hand washing station will also be available.
From 2-4 p.m. in the large tent south of our ATM we will have a game of BANKO for all ages to play. It’s similar to a game you’ve played many times before. Stop on over and see what it’s all about.
Our events are in conjunction with Norman Borlaug Harvest Fest. The car show is planned downtown during our festivities and the parade will be held going down North Elm starting at 4:30 p.m.
Ya’ll be sure to head on down to the Kiddie Corral for some fun!