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posted on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

John's Hairy Fundraiser raises over $1,000 for cancer research

Osage Business Lender John Thomson isn't your average banker that needs a haircut. He takes his haircut to the next level and decides that he can do some good for the world. Thomson set out a challenge to his co-workers. If they raised over $1,000 for cancer research, he would let one lucky donor select a crazy haircut that he would keep for 24 hours. The CUSB Bank Employee Family came together and raised $1,145 and fellow Osage employee Sara Ramker decided on the haircut, given by fellow Ridgeway employee, Tammy Henderson. 

Enjoy the transformation:

Before! Boy, does he need a haircut!

before 1

before 2

Let the transformation begin...first to collect the bangs that will not be cut!


Time to get out the buzzer!


It's getting shorter!

buzz 2

Cutting in the rat in the back (complete with rat tail)



Time for the cheese on the sides


Time to release the bangs

bang 1

bang 2

Sara loves what she has chosen


Sara snickering about the rat

he he

John, you are the best!



rat 2