on Thursday, July 6, 2023
We're excited to celebrate 135 years in business, and invite you to attend CUSB's 135th Anniversary Hoedown on Saturday, August 26, 2023. Here's the schedule of events for that day.
What's For Lunch
Kiddie Corral
Live Music

CUSB Bank is proud to continue the tradition of throwing anniversary parties with its 135th Anniversary Hoedown scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 26 at their Cresco location, in conjunction with Norman Borlaug Harvest Fest.
President Michael Drees said, “It has been a long-standing tradition of the Thomson family and the CUSB Bank family to show our appreciation by throwing a party. We are excited to host this year’s party in conjunction with Harvest Fest and know there will be many activities for families to enjoy.”
Drees shared that fourteen committee members have spearheaded the planning for the event, a year in the making. He said, “I want to thank Kevin Janssen, Stephanie Thomson, Amy Henry, Cindy Randall, Tammy Henderson, Ashley Kisner, Renae Wedeking, Tasha Hart, John Thomson, Katie Ferrie, Jamie Jordan, Cassie Bangasser, Alex McCabe, and Scott Thomson for their work on the committee, and also a thank you to Jodi Rosendahl and Trista Foster in our marketing department for their efforts. Our dedicated employees are one of our greatest assets and I am proud of the event they have put together.”
All employees and our Board of Directors will be on hand to help with the festivities. Drees said, “We appreciate all of our employees and board helping with the event, as they are the CUSB Bank. We invite you all to come and celebrate 135 years of CUSB Bank and thank you for your patronage.”